For all enquiries please use the contact form below!
And I shall try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank You!



Useful HELP Contacts (correct as of April 2017)
Click on the Organization's Title For More Details


Samaritans (UK)

Telephone: 116 123




For Children or Young People

Telephone Free on the 24-hour help line (for Confidential Support)

on 0800 1111



Help for Children and Adults

Telephone 0808 800 5000

Definitive Guide to Raising Religious Children in an Online World

At: WizCase




Help with Emotional Health Issues

Mind info Line: 0300 123 3393



Domestic Abuse

Support, Help and Information

Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 168 9111



Rape Crisis (England and Wales)

 National Rape Crisis helpline
Telephone: 0808 802 9999 between 12 noon - 2.30pm
and 7 - 9.30pm every day of the year
for confidential support and/or
information about your nearest services.



Plan International UK

Sponsor a Girl or indeed Any Child

Switchboard: +44 (0) 300 777 9777




Many Areas of Expertise for Vulnerable Children

or Trying to Find previous Barnardo family members etc.

Telephone: 0208 550 8822

OF FURTHER NOTE: It has recently been brought to my attention, that there is a very detailed guide now on the internet “written by women, for women”. It covers many aspects of abuse towards them - particularly on social media - and offers what I think to be some very important and practical guides to protecting yourselves. The link below should get you there…