In reality, my second album is really 'Soundtrack To My Life' Volume III, and continues in my original more autobiographical style of writing.

Released: August 21st, 2021. To audition audio samples click below

David Okangba: 'Soundtrack To My Life’ Volumes 1 and 2

This is my debut album recorded in 2016 and released in 2018 after taking an age to put together, and years of learning along the way. In my own music and words, it’s clearly autobiographical making it a soundtrack and direct companion to an ongoing autobiography:'My Road To Katharsis' which I work on when I can.

It's been a journey blighted with pain, abandonment, cruelty, my own failings, and no shortage of drink and alcohol abuse, but at last, I've found the light and can now start to celebrate that, having somewhat purged my soul through the aforementioned Creative Catharsism...

As a "Genre" I’ve always found it difficult to categorize my songs when asked, although some wayward teenagers I used to work with suggested they might be EMO (as in Emotional Hardcore), and that’s how it remains, although my influences are varied.

“if I can make it through, then surely you can too"

Sincerely Yours

David Okangba

Soundtrack To My Life: Volumes 1 and 2

Genre 'EMO' / Emotional Hardcore


CD Disc Art VOL 1 png copy.png

CD Disc Art VOL 2 RGB png.png


Remember, Fame Isn’t Always A Game!
"Fame is a Malignant beast, who at first so enticingly seduces your ego,
only to return and with an almost callous Certitude, then goes about devouring your Private life, and your Children Too!
Be Well Aware, before entertaining it..."



© Copyright Control 2018-2021

All compositions on ‘Soundtrack To My Life’ volumes I, II and III including production and artwork, are by David Okangba who plays acoustic and electric guitars, some bass, sings lead vocals and harmonies, and also arranged midi augmentations. I should also like to say a Huge thank you to the superb 'Band-in-a-Box', 'Cubase' and 'Ozone' software - among others - without whom I would never have been able to have completed these recordings in the manner in which I have, with pseudo backing musicians who sound at least like they're competent and in the same room. This band whom I affectionately call 'My BBs', are also featured on the live studio footage by way of backing tracks assembled from my own studio recordings.
I built this website using the Excellent 'Squarespace' platform, using their 'Event Horizon' template, with all photographs and artwork © D. Okangba unless otherwise stated. None of the said shall be copied or performed for public use without written permission.

Thank You!