CD Cover: For the upcoming 4 Track CD ‘Call Me Eclectic’, which sums up my struggles to ever describe what “Genre” my music is when asked. Due for release around August 2024…

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Above: A photo from the photoshoot for Album 2 of the Soundtrack Series

Below: Sixty years later and a “Life” recovery with peace of mind, is now reaching years I never thought possible

Below: A succession of photos that show my growth from a derelict drunk, suicidal drug-addled depressive, to someone actually happier to be alive. It’s surprising what coming off the booze, solitary confinement and losing over two and a half stones of over-indulgent body weight can do for positive thinking and self-worth.


Some clothes I designed myself or customized and includes my Poldark coat.

A lovely van that my birth mother helped me to buy just before she passed away, but to be honest, I've have traded that and More, to have just met her for a Single Day!

A lovely van my birth mother helped me to buy just before she passed away around 2016. But to be honest, I would have traded that and More, to have met her just for a Single Day!

ABOVE: (Left) A local artist at the time unknown to me, had captured within a few metres the very place I've spent years looking out across the bay from under those emotional storm clouds, as I tried to regain strength and resource to continue this journey. I saw the oil painting at a local gallery and instantly struck by just how poignant it was to my situation. After some detective work I found the artist and paid to have a second one painted. I find it haunting that unbeknownst to me, an artist was just above my head, putting together this wonderful painting. Note the bottle of alcohol to the person's left which was my closest companion of those years...
ABOVE: (Right) About a year later, I commissioned a second oil painting, and you’ll see the connection between the painting and the self-taken photos above I'm sure.


'WATER MUSIC': A theme by Conveniently Autistic Jerry (C.A.J. Matthews), who also took the photo. Wherrytown boating lake (C) 2008 with my favourite Les Paul Professional guitar until I had to sell it. Artwork D. Okangba

'WATER MUSIC': A theme by Conveniently Autistic Jerry (C.A.J. Matthews), who also took the photo. Wherrytown boating lake (C) 2008 with my favourite Les Paul Professional guitar until I had to sell it. Artwork D. Okangba