Using 'CREATIVE CATHARSISM' To help confront an abusive past

‘Please Don’t Abuse Me!’

from the EP 'Emotional Hardcore'

This is an early recording so sadly isn't of the highest fidelity but the message is clear.

I wrote this song around the year 2000, but along with 'Lurking In The Shadows' never had the courage to include it in the later running order although it’s one of the most visceral compositions I've yet composed.

However, all these years on I still find it as pertinent as ever, so decided to dust it off and try to improve the audio. It comes in at a harrowing ten minutes long and still could have added verses, but then again feeling such pain seems to go on forever too doesn't it?

This song had to be carefully balanced so points are made, but not without hinting at being overly catchy/commercial. Instead, it's a full-blown spilling out of the "Pain" I've felt for most of my life actually, and for some whom I've been intimate with and known, and no longer make an apology for a song that has always had my most “Honourable” of empathetic intent! I was a little wary for a while of adding the narration of a pleasant young man who was the son of a couple who'd let me live with them whilst trying to sort myself out, but in the end, I felt it supported the song creatively.

Abuse does happen, and for the “Victim” can seem inescapable and loaded with despair, and these stories need to be told! I'm sick to death of people pretending certain things don't happen, or that one can't say what is true for fear of being un-PC, disliked or jeopardizing their career. One only has to think back to that despicable Jimmy Sir-Vile for proof of what silence achieves in the longer term. And the failure of those who also know that something very wrong has gone on but stay silent about it, I deplore them, when in their silence they help despicable individuals to evade "Justice". And that includes mothers, fathers, family members and certain "Friends" for their misguided loyalty.

Remember, if you know about "Abuse and do Nothing, then you are standing in the Same Line, as the "Abuser"...